About Us

Global automobile components manufacturer, Hwashin Co., Ltd.

Hwashin is an automobile chassis and
body components manufacturer.

To become a Global Automobile Components supplier beyond the HMG' No.1 Strategic Partner.

Hwashin has been playing an important role in the Korean automobile components manufacturing industry by developing new technology based on its high quality products, service, and creative research.

July 1, 1975

Seojin Chung

14, Eonhagongdan 1-gil, Yeongcheon-si, Gyeongbuk

US$ 1.6 billion (Y2021)

4,265 (Y2021)

Domestic: Hwashin, Hwashin Precision, INNOBILE

International: Hwashin India, Hwashin Beijing, Hwashin Cangzhou, Hwashin Brazil, Hwashin Chongqing, Hwashin USA, Thanhcong Hwashin, Shanghai Innobile

Jump up to be the Global Tier 1 automobile component
manufacturer through market extension

Hwashin USA

With its state-of-the-art plant equipped with press, welding, painting, and assembling lines, the company has extended its business network to the entire region of North America

February, 2023

Greenville, AL,  U.S.A

Hyundai Kia Motors, Hyundai Mobis, Volkswagen


US$ 293 million (Y2021)

655 (Y2021)

The 45 automobile component manufacturing companies
that lead the automobile component market


Hwashin including its overseas corporations achieved a market share of 7.6% in the global automobile
component market with a total sales of 2.5 trillion

Market Extension

Extend global major OEM orders and aggressively penetrate into new markets

Technology Extension

Develop higher value-added products by applying new materials and eco-friendly technology

Business Area Extension

Implement the system integration project through modularization and IT technology

Creation of new values for the future

Core Values

Only those with dreams can change the world and make it become more beautiful than before by creating new things.
Hwashin will try best to implement good ideasproperly through the period of infinite competition

Customer Orientation

Emphasis on Principle

Challenging Spirit



Hwashin, the trustful partner leading the
period of infinite competition

Management Philosophy

Hwashin has become a trustful partner with the cooperation of all the employees participating in the
human-oriented open management. Furthermore, Hwashin will continue to play its role
as a member of the regional community and accomplish its duties

Creation of higher values
Realization of best quality and customer satisfaction
Returning corporate profits and providing opportunities for self development
Preservation and protection of natural environment
Taking the initiative for development of local community
Realization of competition in good faith between enterprises and coexistence management